Live Your Best Life Pregnant

Join me on my journey through my pregnancy as Women's Health Physiotherapist, beating pain and becoming a strong, confident pregnant mom.


Pregnancy Physio Health & Well-Being Program

$14   p/week

Includes Rehab Programs


*Billed Monthly at $60.50

"As a Physiotherapist, I love it when pregnant women take control of their bodies and become stronger and more resilient moms as a result"

- Nicole Storm (Women's Health Physiotherapist)

Clinical Pregnancy Health &

Well-Being Program

βœ” Clinical home based exercise program

βœ” Pregnancy safe personalized meal plans

βœ” Exclusive Mobile App

βœ” Lower back pain rehab program

βœ” Pelvic pain rehab program

βœ” Hip pain rehab program

βœ” Upper back and neck pain rehab program

βœ”Clinical data base on F.A.Qs in pregnancy

βœ”Videos packed with clinical information on pregnancy related topics

βœ” Meal planning & shopping List

βœ” 24/7 Email Support

βœ” Private Facebook Group

βœ” Cancel anytime



Healthier Mum

 Partaking in a structured exercise program like the one I have designed has been shown to reduce risk of gestation diabetes, preeclampsia, excessive weight gain, depression & complication during labor.

A health mum also means you will be able look after your growing infant with confidence.

Healthier Baby

I have seen/ experienced in my pregnancies how regular exercise combined with good nutrition benefitted the health of my two daughters at birth and into toddlerhood.

There is a growing body of research into how exercise during pregnancy benefits the baby. It has shown to improve the strength of your babies heart, improve muscular coordination, improved motor control, reduce risk of obesity later in life and advanced brain development.

What an fantastic gift you can give your unborn child!

Reduced Pregnancy Pain

My exercises are programmed specifically to help reduce the chances of developing pain during your pregnancy while allowing you to still stay as active in your daily life as possible. I know this program worked because it has allowed me and so many of the pregnant women I see in the clinic to have a more active and fulfilling 9 months of pregnancy

You deserve to feel confident and proud of your pregnant body!

Faster Recovery Postnatal

All the work you put in with me during your pregnancy will continue to pay off even after you have given birth! Not many women realize how physically demanding it can be looking after a new born, toddler, and breastfeeding/bottle feeding every couple of hours. This program is designed to build strength to support both your pregnant body, your post natal recovery and ability to look after your sweet new baby.


The goal is not to reach your post pregnancy body fast, but to reach a healthy, strong post pregnancy body

Start Your Pregnancy The Right Way, Take Control!

Specialized Exercise & Rehab Programming

3 Stage comprehensive pregnancy program specific to the trimester you are in.

Trimester 1 - Goal: Developing baseline postural strength

Trimester 2 - Goal: Developing strength for a expanding pelvis & ribcage

Trimester 3 - Goal: Getting ready for heavier loads + birth

Comprehensive Rehab Programs: Designed for battling pain during pregnancy.

Ribcage pain

Lower back pain

Tailbone pain

Pelvic pain

Groin pain

Hip pain

🎁 COMING SOON 2022 My personal Post-Natal Rehab programs!

My Caesarean rehab program

Pelvic Floor Rehab

Back to Running

Healthy & Strong Post-Pregnancy Body 


Personalized Meal Plan

The way you choose to fuel your body directly impact your unborn child - For better or worse!

Your food choices will affect your energy levels, ability to focus, sleep, weight gain and nausea.

With my busy work life and family life schedule - Feeding myself was my last priority! I struggled with low iron, low energy levels and poor sleep throughout my pregnancy. That is why we have added a meal planning feature to Pregnancy Physio. Good nutrition is the start of good health! Everything else comes after.

This is something I wish I had in my pregnancy!

Why I designed this program pregnant?

As a passionate Women's Health Physiotherapist, business owner, mom of two and wife, I know all too well the everyday physical and mental challenges pregnant women go through!

Seeing the amount of pregnant women that walked into my physio clinic in large amounts of pain broke my heart! I knew that this was unnecessary and robbed them of the joy that Pregnancy can and should bring.

This is how Pregnancy Physio started!

Pregnancy Physio is  me and my journey as a women's health Physiotherapist going through my 2nd pregnancy.

I developed this app while pregnant to allow me to fully understand and experience what each phase of pregnancy felt like for myself in that moment and how my body responded to different exercises, movements and everyday life situations.

I truly believe Pregnancy Physio is something every Women needs to support them through their pregnancy journey.

Live Your Best Life Pregnant!

What Pregnancy Physio Members Are Saying

"I came and saw Nicole during my second pregnancy and postpartum where I had severe back pain. She was absolutely amazing!! Nicole made me feel comfortable at every appointment and went above and beyond to ensure I was on the right road to recovery. She is very knowledgeable in pre and post natal care, I could not recommend Nicole enough!!" 

Natasha P

"What a difference a great physio can make! Thank you Nicole for helping me manage my aches and pains during pregnancy and getting me active and confident postpartum. Well worth the investment!"

Anna B

"Working with Nicole made the last trimester bearable. She helped me address so many different aches and pains, and gave me the confidence to know that I can work on being more comfortable by giving me exercises to do at home. It was a really positive and empowering change. We don't just have to put up with discomfort during pregnancy! Next time round I'll be seeing her sooner in the pregnancy."

Viv P

“Nicole have a lot of knowledge in her field, I felt so safe and comfortable in her care. The exercises she gave me was very beneficial. She takes her time and are very caring. Couldn’t recommend her more!”

Anna L

Nicole Storm

Physiotherapist, Mom & Creator

I am a passionate mom of two, married to my best friend whom I share and amazing life as a Physiotherapist in my own clinic. My passion, beside my family is; pregnant moms.  Yes, I love to see moms experience the wonderful journey I had with both my pregnancies. 

I love rock-climbing, hiking, running and being super active physically and that is why when I got pregnant I did not want to compromise my active lifestyle because I knew that is what fuels my happiness.

Being happy and feeling fulfilled was what was going to get me through this miracle.

By doing this amazing program I was able to keep on climbing until 37 weeks and help my moms in my practice until 36 weeks. I feel so blessed yet know that it was because I put in the work and discipline. I believe I can do this for every mom I meet hence designing and testing this program pregnant.

Exercise and Pregnancy FAQs

Click here for more info

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Exclusive Mobile App

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24/7 Email support

For general inquiries & questions, 

contact us via email

Private Facebook Group

Where you'll be able to share your journey & follow what other women are going through

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Beat the pain and live your best life pregnant.

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